Joanne Dennis



Hi, I am Joanne, I live in North Yorkshire where I enjoy going for long walks with my family and dogs. I have over 20 years’ experience working in an office and I enjoy the different challenges and range of work that you get to do. I am also a qualified teaching assistant and volunteer to help at various places.

In my role I process applications for apprenticeships, I then input the information into two databases and upload the information onto the government websites. I pull the reports monthly from the government system and process these as well. I also process all withdrawals, breaks in learning and when a learner enters EPA. I do the completion side so when a learner completes their learning I update the systems and upload them to the government.

A day in the life for me: I start by checking my emails and then move on to checking for any EPA grades that have come in, sending out exit reviews if they have. I then move on to DocuSign to check if any paperwork has come in for enrolment, break-in learning, withdrawals or completed exit reviews and process these. I then go on to Zoho to check if we have any new status updates, collate the evidence needed to process and then update both databases with the information needed. I then check any learners that are in EPA to see if they have the functional skills certificates and process these. I will process any Enrolments I can do and then finally check my emails before the end of the day.

I got started with Kiwi & Yuzu in 2021 and my role has expanded over the years which I enjoy. My proudest moment here is when I identified a challenge with the completion process and successfully problem-solved to find a solution. Which was then implemented systems to streamline the process, making completions more efficient and effective.

I believe that Skills Bootcamps and Apprenticeships are important because they’re a a great way to build new skills and create internal growth in the workplace as well as an effective way to train and retrain future employees. Skills Bootcamps/Short Courses are short intensive programmes which help those keep knowledge up to date or expand knowledge when they don’t have the time for apprenticeships.

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Walking,chilling while wathing Netxflix and talking