You have the right to choose who to marry when to marry, or whether to marry.


Forced marriage occurs when there is physical pressure to marry (such as intimidation, physical or sexual violence) or emotional and psychological pressure (such as being made to feel humiliated by the family).

what yuzu do

  • We treat all reports of forced marriage very seriously and, when required, consult the police and other organisations. The government operates a specific unit known as the Forced Marriage Unit (FMU), which is made up of caseworkers who have experience with forced marriage and can offer you guidance and assistance as well as explore your choices
  • If you are being forced to marry someone you do not want to marry, you can call our Safeguarding officer or your trainer
  • We will be sympathetic to these concerns because we understand that forced marriage circumstances can be challenging and complex
  • If you are forced into a marriage that you do not want, you can report this and we will take action and provide support

behaviours in fil include a mother or other carer who:

  • If I believe I am being forced into a marriage, I will consult with someone
  • If I believe that someone else is being forced to marry someone, I will contact someone who I believe will help and support
  • I am aware that I can raise my concerns with the Yuzu Safeguarding team or with my trainer


If you are worried or have any concerns, please contact our Yuzu Safeguarding team using the numbers below or reach out to us using the contact us button. 


  • Office Hours Number: 023 8017 0378
  • Out of Hours Number in Emergency: 999
  • Email: [email protected]
  • Safeguarding Officer: 07375 461990

other useful resources



Childline is yours – a free, private and confidential service where you can talk about anything. We’re here for you online, on the phone, anytime.

Because forced marriage is illegal, it can happen in secret and can also be planned by parents, family or religious leaders. It may involve physical abuse, sexual abuse or emotional abuse.


Telephone: 08001111

Halo Project Logo


The Halo Project was established in 2011 in response to a gap in service provision, for Black and Minoritised women and girls experiencing or at risk of domestic and sexual abuse and  violence.


Telephone: 080 81788 424 (Freephone)



Samaritans offer a safe place for anyone to call for a chat, at any time about whatever’s getting you down. People don’t need to feel suicidal to call – Samaritans are there to listen.